Published – April, 2019

We have been experimenting (learning through mistakes), volunteering at various organic farms, attending workshops etc to get to where we are right now. It has been an exhilarating journey so far. The challenge to convert this 1 acre land barren land (due to excessive Eucalyptus tree cultivation by earlier folks) into what it is today was a colossus learning experience for us. In this process we have dabbled with sustainable living and now are practicing it to the best of our abilities.

Photos are dated to 2016, and it shows the early days, when we started construction on a barren land surrounded by Eucalyptus and few Coconut trees on the southern side and another patch of barren land to the northern side. We did work with the team for the next 1 year to get something close to what we were visualizing. Well this was just the shell and it took us another 1 year to get closer to the final product, just the dwelling units devoid of any vegetation.From this state to the final state was very arduous and painful journey involving many coordination points.